Falling in love with a person is so beautiful and it happens so unexpectedly in our life that, the joy it brings inside us is really awesome and words are really insufficient to express those feelings. . . .just like the day when i first met my love. . . .Keeping that love securely inside my mind and enjoying the way i care for it, my heart was able to express it openly to her only a few years later on 29th Oct 2000. Though i was standing as a school boy at that time with no major responsibilities to hold other than studying, the love i have for her had grown in immense inside my heart that i was taking this major step in my life wholeheartedly with the trust and love i have for her and the belief in god. And now also i know that, it is a correct decision only because she is the only one who is still living in my heart.
The day 29th carried such a significance in our love life that, we used to celebrate almost every month by sending cards and long letters and for the anniversary used to share gifts and make the day memorable. . . Our seven years of love life has gifted me the most memorable moments in my life in such a way that i just cant forget her. Never had i thought in my life that i will loose her and the Oct 29th becomes just another normal day with loneliness as my only company. Those cards and letters which i have sent her were all returned back to me at the time of our breakup and they are still with me as the most valuable treasure in my life, though i dont have the courage enough to read it again. . . may be in future i will ,when i will be leaving this world forever with closed eyes imagining her to be my side bidding me bye forever.
I dont want to blame the fate for what i am now, because it was me who decided and forced myself to leave her from my life few years back for her family, and it seems to be a right decision since it had helped her in achieving goal in her life though deep inside i dont know whether she is missing me atleast for a moment. . . .and for that moment i wish i have my life completed since she is the most precious gift God has ever given me in my entire life. . . .