Have you ever done something so simple and yet you feel like you are too much absorbed in it all the time while doing so? If yes, i am sure that you would have felt so much great after that and would be surprised, how come you miss such a beautiful feeling all these years. Because today, i also became a part of such a moment; too unexpected which made me really excited and filled my heart with joy for a long time. . . .
As the power failure has became a routine since past few days, i used to pack that half an hour by having dinner and so when the power is back, i can rejoin my social networking world sharing everyday fun with my buddies. Though i can access my buddies via phone to interact with them in Facebook or send sms, i have reduced that habit since typing has become a little more tedious process for me bcoz of my RA and so i depend on my PC keyboard for doing all these stuff via Bluetooth. So i just started considering that half an hour as an interval from all the stuff i am doing. My mom is also happy about this, since i will have food in right time and also right place, because usually i used to have food from my bedroom only, sitting in front of the PC, either watching a movie or interacting with my buddies via Social networking. These kinda things brings surprise to my new buddies, but for those who are in touch with me for a long time, knows very well how much crazy i am and my PC addiction!! :)
Today when the power went off at 9:30pm, may be it's because my mom was involved in a serious discussion with my dad that, she really forgot to call me for dinner. Since i don't wish to interrupt their conversation, i thought of lying in my bed for a while and plan to call her later. Since i was a bit tired than normal today bcoz of my degrading health condition, i lied in the bed facing my head down. It was a bit difficult for the first few seconds since i could hardly take my breath inside and i could also feel the gush of air intake and exhale. Without knowing a specific reason for lying in that manner i continue to do so, out of curiosity as i felt the breathing pattern too interesting. Truly saying i used to do like this when i was so young, studying in school and i was fond of making sounds by lying in this manner. The only reason is that each sound i make in that way is too sensitive to ears and i could really feel the thump effect of my voice!! What more is needed for a 10 year old child to feel excited and do it again and again? But that was 18 years before and it has no significance to my current life. . Bcoz of a fact which i hardly believe now also, that i have grown up.

I may be crazy thinking all this way, doing stuff which will make others feel like i am experiencing some kinda problem. . . .a kinda psychic. . . .but i really care least for that since what i experienced, though for a short time is a wonderful world!! An experience which made me feel heaven and surprised me by making me realize a fact that i have a true companion within me, who is so desperately in need of my company. . . . I can hardly distinguish this from dream or reality, bcoz when i got up from my bed i could feel my heart is pounding with joy. . a unique experience which cant be described in words. . .making me smile all the time. . . .while i could still hear the faint voice of my mom calling me for having dinner. . . .